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  • Bikeability

    Published 10/11/23

    Well done to all the children who took part in Bikeability training this week.

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  • Digital Schools Award

    Published 10/11/23

    Yesterday, we were very pleased to officially be recognised as the first school in England to achieve Digital Schools Award status. This is a national awards scheme to promote, recognise and encourage a whole school approach to the use of digital technology in nursery, primary, special education and secondary schools. 

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  • Year 6 Parliament Speeches and Elections

    Published 10/11/23

    Well done to Year 6 for their fantastic election speeches. 

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  • Macmillan Coffee Morning

    Published 10/11/23

    Thank you to everybody who came along to our Macmillan Coffee Morning. 

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  • Mini First Aid

    Published 18/09/23

    Thank you to 'Mini First Aid London' for visiting us last week to deliver some valuable first aid training to all our classes. 

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